Claudia Jessen-Trefzer Lab - old bugs novel drugs


Infections with mycobacteria such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis are still a threat to human health and world-wide ~ 1.5 Mio. people die annually from Tuberculosis (WHO). Developing novel strategies to treat mycobacterial infections is inevitable, and our research efforts focus on the identification of novel protein drug targets with a spotlight on the mycobacterial membrane and extracellular space.

Research Overview

Research Methods

Research methods that we apply are divers and include: cell culture techniques (bacterial/mammalian), cloning and gene expression, protein production and analysis, native and SDS-page, western-blot, proteomics, organic synthesis, NMR and LC-MS analysis, as well as fluorescence microscopy.

Test tubes

Two-component systems from mycobacteria

Besides membrane transporters, other potentially interesting drug targets exist within the mycobacterial membrane; as...

LC-MS vials

ABC-transporters and proteomics

Characterizing mycobacterial membrane proteins with focus on ABC-transporters and their substrates in mycobacteria is...

Schlenk flask (cylindrical)

Drug anchoring in the cell membrane

Drug impermeability and efflux are two major hurdles in the drug development process of anti-microbial agents, which...

Rotary evaporator

Chemical catalysis in confined space

A fundamental concept in biology is compartmentalization. Compartmentalized assembly lines limit loss of substrate...