Claudia Jessen-Trefzer Lab - old bugs novel drugs

Chemical catalysis in confined space

A fundamental concept in biology is compartmentalization. Compartmentalized assembly lines limit loss of substrate and/or diffusion of toxic reaction intermediates into the surroundings and enable the generation of dedicated biological "reaction vessels". In this context, bacterial nanocompartments have gained significant attention as unique self-assembly platforms for the design and construction of functional nanocapsids or cargo delivery vehicles.

Mycobacterial Nanocompartments - Encapsulins

Exploring mycobacterial encapsulins for their potential application in synthetic biology, biotechnology and in the area of biomaterials is the main aim of this sub-project. Towards this goal we synthesize chemical catalysts and screen them for their ability to i) enter the encapsulin and ii) perform catalysis in buffers and live cells. We also plan to engineer photo-active capsules and to control pore dynamics. For more information please see: Inside a shell - organometallic catalysis inside encapsulin nanoreactors and A dual-metal-catalyzed sequential cascade reaction in an engineered protein cage.

Rotary evaporator
Rotary evaporator